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Writing Your Group

The following is the bare minimum information required to create a faction and have it be considered an official faction in lore. if you already have a faction please fill out this form and post in your respective faction thread.

There are different forms for different faction types.



From disarray to order

Group Name:

Group Acronym (3-5 Characters Max):

Group Origins (MIN 2 Paragraphs): 

Group Headquarters (Where in D01):

Emblem: (A logo or emblem representing the faction, may use a description as well.)

Leader Character’s name:

Leader IGN:

Alliances: Who is your group allied with?

Enemies: Who is your group against?

Group status: (Hostile/Neutral/Peaceful) (Legal/Illegal)

Desired location: (Coords or show staff in-game):

Trade policy:

Group Structure:

Military/Security Plan:

Application (How people join) Policy:

Once completely filled out, please post with the following information as the subject:
"[Group(Faction) Declaration] Group(Faction)Name [Group(Faction) Acronym]"

We reserve the right to be selective with faction apps.


Mercenary Group, Galactic Mining Conglomerate, Research Company, Hotel Chain...


To play a corporation, you must fill out this form and post your corporation in Roleplay Applications. Your corporation must be approved by staff and have at least 3 other members aside from you before they may participate in the server as a corporate entity.

After posting your corporation's application, if you do not have the additional members you need, then you may recruit other members, but this is all you may do until you have at least 3 other members and are approved. This pre-recruitment may be both in-character and out-of-character, and may involve either recruiting pre-existing characters, or having other players make new characters that are already involved with the corporation. Pre-recruitment does not require your application to be approved.


Corporation Name (An acronym as well, if you use one):

Corporation Goal (What does your company hope to accomplish?):

Core Products (What do you sell most often? Must be unique or offer a unique approach compared to other companies):

Consumer Base (Who buys your products?):

Current Reputation (What does the population see you as? Does socioeconomic standing affect perceptions of your company? Do hippies like you? Do they think you’re tree-cutting satan? Account for the wide variety of beliefs and outlooks.):

Founding History (The history of why and how your corporation was founded.):
Corporate History (The history of your corporation ever since its foundation.):
(A combination of Founding and Corporate History should be at least 4 paragraphs in length.)

Corporation Headquarters Location (Where are your headquarters located? Why are they located there? Available locations are limited to Eziveen and District 1; i.e. D1 Upper Class, D1 Lower Class, “Next to the Slums”):

Corporation Emblem (A logo or emblem representing the faction, along with an explanation of what it represents. A description of the logo will suffice):
​Corporate Slogan:

CEO Character (Provide name and a link to the character application.):


Additional Members (Please list at least 3 other characters that will be involved in the startup and maintenance of the company, and their player's IGNs.):

Alliances (Who is your corporation allied with? These can be allies of circumstance or of political origin.):

Competition (Whoever your corporation has no specific feelings for, but must compete with nonetheless. This is a free market, after all.):

Enemies (Who is your corporation against? These can be enemies of circumstance or of political origin.):

Strategic Focus (What strategies does your corporation focus on to stay competitive? Do they funnel millions into marketing to improve their image? Do they dodge regulations and exploit a vulnerable workforce? Do they fund research for more cost-effective solutions? Et cetera.):

Corporation Structure (How do you plan on organizing your group?):

Corporate Culture (Does your company practice unusual traditions or operate in a unique fashion? Keeping your CEO’s heritage in mind could help.):

Once completely filled out, please post with the following information as the subject:
"[ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION] Corporation Name [Corp. Acronym]"

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