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Planetary Lexicon

Expanded lore written by the players.


Mars Aeternum

Written by Serix.


While the way the government is run remains a secret to this day, people from outside the Red Planet have been able to learn about most structures on its surface both through stories of Martian emigrants and satellite surveys from the now terraformed red-and-blue dot.

Contained in this document are some of the most prominent settlements of Earth’s red twin, along with a brief history of some of the places.



New Pretoria: The First City

Considered the first proper settlement of Mars, New Pretoria was founded near the landing site of Curiosity, one of the most famous Martian rovers of the 21st century. After various successful temporary colonies in the 2020’s, it was unanimously decided to build the first permanent city in this iconic location.

After a collaborative effort from entities including the United States, China and European States, New Pretoria became the first Martian city intended to last for a period longer than a decade, and became the first colony to reach 1 million inhabitants. Nowadays, New Pretoria remains as Mars’ most historical city, but due to the creation of other cities with more economical and political power and the antiquated technology used in the city, both the importance and population of New Pretoria have decreased drastically over the past 60 years.

Important landmarks in New Pretoria include the monument of the First Settlers, the Curiosity Museum and the embassies of other states, as New Pretoria is the only city in Mars outsiders are allowed to visit freely.

Tantalus: The Heart of Research

South of the site of the Phoenix probe, Tantalus is where the first pyramid with unknown technology was discovered. It is in this site where mankind finally became an FTL travelling species with the Hamayato core.

After the discovery of the initial pyramid, endless institutions flooded to the area to investigate its implications. This lead to a boom in research in the area, creating the university city Tantalus is known for today. Despite some damage occurring after Article XCVII, the large investments in the city allowed it to become the site of 8 of the top 10 Universities in all of Mars.

Living to its name, Tantalus is also known for its highly unethical research fields, along with its constant floods and disasters which occur on the coastline every change of season. Martians from other cities and foreigners frequently refer to Tantalians as degenerate, attributing it to the pyramid nearby.

Tharsis, Olympus’ forge

As every political enthusiast knows, Mars boasts the largest fleet in the universe, living up to its militaristic reputation. This endless fleet can be attributed to the industrial powerhouse in Tharsis. Tharsis utilises the rough terrain in its area to build titanic underground complexes where most parts and weapons are fabricated, with the most famous of these complexes being in Olympus Mons.

To upkeep such a heavy production chain, Tharsis concentrates most of Mars’ population in its densely populated megacity. To shield its most valuable workers from the deadly pollution and rampant poverty, Military corporations tend to house its most loyal employees underground, while those less fortunate have to live either with filtration masks for the rest of their lives or with a life expectancy of 41 years.

Elysium, the Silent Capital

Further north from New Pretoria lies the only proper continent outside of the Martian Pangaea, and the seat of the Martian Unity Party and the rest of the government. Thanks to its border with the sea, it is practically impossible to infiltrate Elysium, with not even Martians themselves knowing what truly goes on in this lonely island.

If you do get invited to Elysium, you will probably pass through Cerberus. Due to its harsh geography and stealth technology, not much is known about what occurs in Cerberus and Tartarus, but rumor has it that all political prisons and secret facilities ran by the MUP are concentrated in this hellish landscape. It could be argued that all the secrets to Mars’ success have, at one point or another, passed through Cerberus and Tartarus.

Named after its location, the capital city of Elysium serves purely as a political settlement. Once somebody becomes a government servant, they will most likely spend the rest of their lives in this city, which while at first sounds claustrophobic, the luxurious lifestyle and intricate architecture makes up for it.

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The Saturnian Federation

Written by Amatullah



SATURN is a Federation of the planet Saturn and her moons. Founded in 2038 as a colony, Saturn is the youngest of the Solar System colonies. The Saturnian Federation was established in 2051 as a autonomous entity due to the distance from the asteroid belt. Though, centralization had begun to slowly come to the area, as the administration back on Earth became more centralized into wanting to create a more central, united Solar System. Despite the diminishing autonomy, Saturn continues to enjoy some degrees of it, but have almost no representation within EarthGov’s central authority, causing more radical groups to roam freely around the streets, protesting openly against the regime.

Saturn’s primary exports are namely it’s natural gas that is used for other products such as engines and drives that require it, water, iron, magnesium, coal (from Enceladus only), methane, ethane and various of other materials. It’s main imports are namely hydrolyzed food, natural meats that come in colony ships, plants, and various of other materials.


The Saturn Project was initiated by the late 2020s following the events of World War III, after the plans of colonizing other planets off world to increase efforts of unification and expand influence of humanity throughout the galaxy, in addition to gain more resources and minerals from off world. When the Saturn Project took off in 2032, many volunteers from Mars and Earth participated and begun to move to the newest colony.

Upon landing on Titan in 2038, the colony of Saturn was established, and a flag of the United States was planted into her soil, in which no longer existed due to the unification happening years prior to it. The first colony, New Lexington, sprung up and begun a new generation of Saturnians along the planet. Since Titan was an easy moon to colonize due to it having an atmosphere, plans were made to make Titan into a green planet through methods of manmade machinery. Of course, plans were also made to create atmospheres for the moons of Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea and Iapetus. Colonists first started creating dome cities so then they can survive the harsh cold world that the planet have. Much of it’s methane and ethane was harvested for materials that would be useful for not only the colonists but for other parts of the Solar System.

Saturn’s recognition within the United Earth had begun to surface when it regained contact with Earth, telling their success story. With that, the colony begun to grow, and eventually prospered due to Titan’s ever increasing economy and increase of settlers from Earth, Mars and from several moons of Jupiter. By 2051, Saturn had colonized the moons that was apart of the TSP’s plan of Saturn, and established an autonomous federation within their portion of the solar system, which was signed and ratified by the government. The Saturnian Federation was founded under premise of a new, stable Saturn, with its own constitution, laws and premises established, while still being under Earth. Each moon was given control of the smaller moons that was near it.

Despite Saturn’s seemingly normal and stable government, the people of Saturn had begun to feel more neglected by the way EarthGov has been treating them. In the late 2070s, a jury on Saturn had decreed that a man by the name of Filips A. Johnson convicted him to 25 years in prison for protesting against the EarthGov. Many workers in Saturn had begun to feel the tyranny of EarthGov and begun to get sick of it. The trial conviction only made the independent minded citizens more furious. Meanwhile on Titan, it became home to a wealthy Elite that lived within New Lexington that did not care about the common man. This gave way to many unions forming, and non-violent socialist parties coming up.

But that’s not all that rose up. A Saturnian far left radical group known as the Saturnian Workers League formed in 2081, leading their fights and resistance against EarthGov’s oppression. Their party, though more radical, is nonetheless non-violent, believing that change can come through without a point of a gun, but reactionary socialism is needed. Eventually, the SWL fell out of favour along with much of the other dying branches of the socialist parties. In the current years, the leftists hold only a small minority in the government, and the current ruling center-right winged Colonial Democratic Union is in power. Although an important post between Jupiter and Neptune, Saturn remains one of the most impoverished of the colonies, despite having the most mining operations, with people earning less than $1.25 a day.


Saturn is an autonomous state that is divided into 7 parishes, each with it’s own miniature government and laws, but nothing below the Federation’s level. Although many are semi-autonomous (besides Titan), the parishes each fall under the Saturnian government. The Government is under jurisdiction of EarthGov, and can have their leader removed from power at any time. Despite some moons being close to each other, many of the administrations of the smaller moons are divided evenly amongst the seven main moons, some being halved with others, causing somewhat of a dispute between them.

The head of state is known as the Supreme Governor, who is incharge of all the other Governors of Saturn. The parliament is made up of 400 representatives, each with a different party affiliation. In total, Saturn has 14 political parties, with three being the most dominant ones. These three parties include the currently in power Colonial Democratic Union, the Titanian Conservative Coalition and the Party for an American Saturn.

The vast majority of Saturn’s citizens are of American decent, due to the fact that the United States was the first to set out towards Saturn. As a result, Saturnians are diverse in different cultures and ethnicities.

Saturn’s current Supreme Governor is Kearny Jonathan Dole. Supreme Governors are elected every four years, and much of the Federation’s elections are that of similar to American elections. The Vice-Supreme Governor will become the next Supreme Governor should Dole step down or die.


English is the dominant language of Saturn, with over 95% of Saturnians speaking it as a national language. However, Saturnian English is a bit different from other parts of the Solar System due to their distance from Earth. Saturnian English is a mixture between Appalachian and Blue Belt Worker English, as well as having some phrases that are exclusive to Saturn. Quite a few words are exclusive to Saturnian English, as well as some words sounding nothing like English. This makes Saturnian English a bit more harder to learn than the other Englishes in the Sol System.

Some words in Saturnian English include:

Huckie - A poor malnourished worker.

Saggot - A tool box.

Juice - Can be used to describe any form of liquid that isn’t water. Similar to how people say “Soda” or “Pop”.

Feeder - Mouth.

Stuffing - Food.

Scrap - Trash

Collier - Miner. Not really used to describe a Water Miner. Despite it originally meaning “Coal Miner” due to many colonists being that as their original profession, this word is used to generalize anyone who isn’t a coal miner as well.

Fuck-Sugget - A swear word that is used by workers whenever they are hurt badly.

Shitnugget - A swear word used by water miners very often.

Neenashit - Similar to Neenapoop, but more vulgar. Swear word.

Cacas! - Damn!

Saturn’s Asshole - Hell. Used when a person is using it in a sentence such as “You’re all going to hell.” or “Go to hell”.

Saturn’s Giant Tits - Mother of God. Does not work if a person is trying to use “Sweet Mother of God”.

Saturn’s Vagina - Mother of Jesus. Unlike “Sweet Saturn’s Giant Tits”, Saturn’s Vagina works when someone says “Sweet Saturn’s Vagina”.

Cuck - Bitch, pussy, coward. Common insult for provocative purposes.

Dredger -  An extremely offensive word used towards Water Miners. Compares to the “n” word towards African slaves who were cotton pickers in the United States during the slavery years. It originally means a person who mines underwater, but was adopted when water mining became a thing.

A good thing to note, is that Saturnians who live on other planets, such as Earth or Keplar, do not use these words often. In addition, not all Saturnians use this, as some still use common American English words. American English is namely used mostly on Titan, by the more wealthy elites and in the military, as well as a vast majority of political parties.

Japanese-Saturnians speak Japanese as their native tongue, but a vast majority of them speak English as well, namely as a first language for newborns. But their language is still prevelent to this day.


A vast majority of Saturnians are of American decent, namely descents of humans living in the Appalachian region of the Eastern Seaboard, with others coming from blue collar working class families that moved in from several parts of the United States, mostly from California or Oregon. American-Saturnians makes about 90% of the population, while the rest are minorities that are namely from Canada (3%), the United Kingdom (2%), and Japan (5%). The American population is extremely diverse, with only 40% of the population being of White European ancestry, 20% being of African ancestry, 20% of being Asian ancestry (West (or Middle Eastern), Central, South, Southeastern and East Asian), 10% being of Latino Ancestry, and the rest being of mixed, Polynesian, or American Indian ancestry. They do not speak their native languages, due to them being assimilated into American culture and customs, and many of them only know one language, with significant lack of knowledge of their native language, knowing a moderate to no words of it.

American-Saturnians do not call themselves “Americans”, and consider themselves Saturnians. However, the right winged Party for an American Saturn, the American Nationalist party in Saturn, are quite proud of their identity, referring to themselves as the “Last of the Americans”, and believe that Saturn is the last frontier of American superiority. However, this ideal is largely unpopular amongst many Saturnians, as they do not wish to affiliate themselves as Earthlings. This has grown tremendously over the last few decades, giving rise to secessionists who wish to break away from Earth, especially left-leaning Saturnians, whom is growing in numbers due to EarthGov’s mistreatment of Saturnians.

Japanese make up the largest minority group due to the fact that Japan grew massively during the post-faction era colonization years. The Japanese Language is the second most spoken language, but is mostly prevalent on Rhea and Dione, where a large minority of the Japanese people live. Despite the racist past towards Asians, American Saturnians recognize Japanese as “White”, and even consider them as “White Asians”.

Despite being the vocal majority of the moons, White Saturnians are said by minorities are the least racist Whites in the entire solar system, promoting the ideal of Human supremacy, rather than racial supremacy. Within the ideology of Human supremacy, all humans regardless of race, sex or religion is credited for the advancements made to help explore and colonize it’s own solar system. This ideal is due to many of the colonists interacting and respecting one another, and coming to realise that they’re all one of the same, with a common goal. Racism (in terms of a human’s skin color, gender or ethnicity) to a Saturnian is a “primitive concept”.

However, many Saturnians believe classism as the new racism, as many Saturnians live in poverty. The 1% of Saturn is mostly in Titan living off more than a billion to a trillion dollars a day, and many of them are CEOs of mining companies that export much of Saturn’s materials. Much of the wealth is redistributed in a very small rate, and many government officials are corrupt, taking corporate money to help fund their campaigns, a concept that many American-Saturnians are haunted by from their own past of having this misfortune in their native United States.

Moons & Planet Information

Saturn and her moons are named after many titans that were in Greek Mythology (except for a few), though some are also named after Norse Myths (known as the Nordic Group). Despite the fact that Saturn is actually the Roman name for Kronos in Greek Mythology, Saturnians tend to ignore this, and refer to Saturn as a “she” rather than a “he”. Some moons however, such as Iapetus are referred to as a “he”. They never refer to their planet as an “it”. The only time they refer to a planet or moon as an “it” is if it’s not a Saturnian Moon nor object. Genders for a moon or object is determined on the name or if they feel that it would fit that particular gender. Saturnians get offended when their planet is referred to as an “it” or their home moon, as they take great pride and respect for their homes.

Despite the fact of no permanent population there, people, and all bodies of every government refers to the populous as “Saturnians”, despite not living on Saturn herself. This is due to the Jovian Convention of 2037, involving space colonization under section 5a of the article, to count anyone living on a moon of a gas giant as the demonym of said gas giant to help organize government documents and official business easier. This article does not include terrestrial planets with moons (therefore, people of Luna can refer themselves a “Lunans” and are called as such rather than “Terrans” or “Earthlings”). However, individuals of said moon can also have their respective moon demonym name, but is recognized as a “sub-demonym”, not an independent demonym.

SATURN (Demonym: Saturnians), also known as “Mother Saturn” by many Saturnians, is the gas giant that contains the moons of Saturn. However, despite it being the main planet, it is not habbited itself, due to the conditions there, and being able to crush a human to a pulp. Despite this however, this did not stopped humans from putting robots and astromechs incharge of the mining operations on the planet. Saturn is seen as an important mining world to Titanians, as Saturn’s gas is namely used in production for both civilian and military use, namely on ships and for laser weaponry powered by the components in the gases of gas giants. Saturn has a solid ground however, but it’s not usually drove on, due to it’s metallic properties, and is deep inside of its atmosphere. Saturn’s “colonies” are actually stations for robots and astromechs to refuel and repair other fellow robots, with humans sometimes coming over to assist with some maintenance should be necessary. Should anything bad happen to the droids, new ones would be sent from Titan or Mimas to help continue on or repair them.

TITAN (Demonym: Titanian) is the largest of the moons of Saturn, and serves as the administrative center of the Saturnian Federation. Titan’s Capital is New Lexington, which is named after the city of Lexington in Kentucky. At around 4 billion colonists namely living in or around New Lexington, Titan is the largest in terms of population in terms of her other moons. Titan’s colonies are surrounded by large domes that help keep the temperature at a moderate and steady rate. Terraforming is one of Titan’s main industries, as much Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, hoping it would warm it up via several machines that are stationed throughout the moon, hoping it would reach a 76 degrees temperature for it to be habitable, and for plant life to exist throughout the moon. Titan is the financial capital of Saturn, with billions of dollars being poured in to the economy from much of it’s mining industries that come from methane and ethane farming, and shipments of goods from other moons being delivered to Titan. Titan’s importance to serve as a base between the Solar System and the outer reaches has made it’s name as an importance to EarthGov and commuters who wish to get to Keplar and Kupier more cost efficient and easier. Titan serves as a base for those who just got from Pluto and Charon and wish entry into the Solar System, making it a gatekeeper. Titan is kept together by a gravity grid underneath the city that help keeps the gravity of the city Earth-like.

Titan is not named after any particular Titan, but a generic term to describe the sons and daughters of Ouranos and Gaia.

RHEA (Demonym: Rhean) is the second largest moon on Saturn. Rhea serves as a mining moon unlike her bigger sister and is mostly a mining outpost. Strangely, it was discovered that Rhea does have an atmosphere despite what it appears to be on pictures, but it’s rather thin and almost invisible. The oxygen is weak, and therefore, the planet is namely being terraformed to make sure it grows stronger. The main colony of Kronos, named after Rhea’s brother and husband is protected by a small dome with an oxygen collector for the colonists to breath and gravity fields that keep the gravity constant as Earth’s and walkable. Rhea is a hostile moon outside of the colony, as the air is hard to breath, and a person can die easily if not wearing a proper suit. Rhea has some small amounts of ice that is mined from underground, but it’s mostly a mineral mining world. Rhea has the largest Japanese-Saturnian population on Saturn, as much of them live here on Rhea, though more do live in Dione or Titan.

Rhea is named after the mother of Zeus and the Olympian Gods.

IAPETUS (Demonym: Iapetians) is the third largest moon on Saturn. Unlike Rhea, there is no air on the moon, and therefore, is relatively smaller and more sparse than the two bigger moons. It’s central colony is named “Herschel” named after the discoverer, John Herschel.

Iapetus is named after the son of Ouranos and Gaia. Unlike the others, Iapetus is a male

DIONE (Demonym: Dionites) is the fourth largest moon on Saturn. Dione is usually bombarded by ice powder that comes from Enceladus, and is usually collected by the central colony of New Nagoya, and converts it into water. Not much else is really that of significance about Dione, other than the fact that a certain amount of gems was discovered on the planet, and is mined here. In addition to also having a significant amount of ice buried deep, but not as much as it’s sister, Enceladus. Dione has a large number of the Japanese minority living here, making it the second largest population of Japanese-Saturnian people in Saturn.

Dione is named after one of the daughters of Oranos and Gaia.

TETHYS (Demonym: Tethans) is Saturn’s Fifth largest moon, and is the least crater-faced moon of the others. The Odysseus Crater is the most notable feature of Tethys, where the capital of “Polyphemus” resides, named after the fact Odysseus was well known for stabbing him in the eye. Tethys is also a mining world, where its namely mined at Ithaca Chasma, a valley with liquid water burried underground, and vast amounts of ores namely magnesium.

Tethys is named after one of the daughters of Oranos and Gaia.


ENCELADUS (Demonym: Enceladians) is Saturn’s sixth Largest Moon. Unlike the previous four moons, Enceladus is the second most important moon within EarthGov’s and Saturn’s interests, as it not only contains liquid water beneath the surface, but is one of the few known celestial bodies (Europa being another) to contain life beneath the deep ice crusts. As a result of this being a major water mining world, the colony of Cassini, named after the astronomer who founded many of these moons (even though William Herschel found Enceladus) is the second largest outside of New Lexington. Many people come to move here to take advantage of the water mining industry that is thriving and making Titan one of the most richest moons beyond Jupiter. The life that lives within the deep underground ocean is currently discovered to be microorganisms, but further research discovered fish-like creatures that lurk beneath the waters of Enceladus, feeding on the hydrothermal vents. It is even possible that plant life might exist down deeper, but so far, no results had came of this. It is currently unknown for these alien fish can survive such temperatures, but it became a massive focus and talkative point before the discovery of Keplar. This also makes Enceladus one of the few coal mining moon in the solar system due to the fact that the fish exist there. Though, not as much as one would expect, as it is deep inside of the core. A current project known as “Project Aquatica” is currently attempting to find a way to turn Enceladus into a habitable water planet. Similar to Titan’s terraforming initiatives, Enceladus’ project is to make the world warm to a feasible temperature artificially, and create a weather pattern on the planet to make it habitable, breathable and possibly import whatever endangered marine life that existed back on Earth that is currently under protection on Mars or Earth’s large ocean preservations, and even import Keplarian and Kupierian marine life to live on Enceladus. This project however, is apart of a bigger project that is also on Europa. It is hinted that an ancient alien civilization is underneath the waters buried deep, but this has not been explored yet.

Enceladus is named after one of the daughters of Oranos and Gaia.

MIAMAS (Demonym: Miamins) also known as the “Death Star” is the smallest of the seven sisters of Saturn. Miamas is called the “Death Star”, due to it looking extremely similar, and the inspiration from the 1977 flick, Star Wars movie. Miamas has the most cratered face of the other moons of Saturn, making it useful to help house it’s colony, “Point Lobos”, but is more of used as an observation and military post rather than a mining world. Due to how close it is to Saturn, Mimas is used as a observation and refueling station for robots who come from Saturn from mining it’s gases.

Miamas, unlike it’s other counterparts, is the only of the seven to not be named after a Titan from Greek Mythology, but rather a beast that was slain by the Roman God (or Greek God) Mars/Ares.

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